Friday 14 October 2016

October 18 and 20 Lecture and Notes - FILL OUT DON RIX LECTURE FORM

PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM FOR DON RIX DISTINGUISHED LECTURE HERE. There's a Daily Quiz mark for you when you do so promptly.  Genome BC needs your name for registration by the end of the week! And I have to release extra seats to their waitlist.

The teacher will go over this presentation  starting from DNA and please take notes using Macromolecule notes which you ought to already have.  If the teacher on call does not have access to the projector, then please view the presentation on your electronic device and take notes from it.  If you finish these notes, then you may use the remaining time to study.

The teacher will also hand out a handout on LIPIDS.

DNA Replication Song

DNA and DNA Replication

Sunday 2 October 2016

Biomolecules Summary

Today we will have a daily quiz on previous material.  Always open book!  Plus we'll go over part of this presentation  .  You can take notes on this Macromolecule notes organizer and we will do an experiment with gummies which demonstrates what happens to cells when you place them in a hypotonic (plain water) or hypertonic (very salty) solution.  We did it in gummies.  Here's what happens to blood cells