Thursday 8 June 2023

Make Study Notes on Meiosis and Mitosis

 I gave you a booklet which illustrates mitosis and meiosis.  Please do the following to review the steps.

First, watch the mitosis and meiosis sections of my lesson video. Watch from 5 min and 50 seconds! 

1. Next, WRITE what happens in each step in PEN.   10 marks

2. DRAW the spindlefibres and the centrioles in the correct spot  in each step.10 marks

3. COLOUR the strands of DNA and make the colours consistent throughout the booklet. 10 marks

4. LABEL the section on nondisjunction.  5 marks

5. On the last page, DRAW and label the following on the LAST PAGE 5 marks

a. Chromatin

b. chromatid

c. sister chromatids

d. Chromosome

e. Homologous chromosomes 


18-20. You completed everything in the questions above and it is in PEN, neatly done, clear and colour coded. You used pen, or you typed it up and printed it, pasting the paper on your sheet.

15-17 You completed everything but it is difficult to read what you did, it is in pencil

5-10  It is a good start but not complete

Wednesday 7 June 2023

An introduction to Genetics

 Watch the introduction to Genetics video and make notes on it. You may use the notes organizer I provided in class called "The analogy of shoes". Please make a correction on the student notes.  Where it says "boy" cross it out and put XY .  Where it says girl, cross that out and put XX.  These are chromosomes for individuals. Note that XY individuals have testes which produce sperm and XX individuals have ovaries which produce eggs.  

The term "boy" and "girl" refers to gender identity and this identity can be for an individual who has XX or XY chromosomes.