Tuesday 25 April 2023

David Hardwick Pathology Museum

 LOCATION: DHPLC PATHOLOGY MUSEUM AT VGH to learn about human pathologies

DATE: April 28 2023 

We will be going to the following location.  Please meet OUTSIDE  the building beside the starbucks
at 845AM for attendance.  Our program will be in rm 2201 and last until about 11am.  Then you will be dismissed to take the bus back to school.

This is a medical facility and there are vulnerable patients who may be immunocompromised. We will wear masks to protect our community members. 

Create a Field Study Safety plan which includes your group members, contact numbers, emergency contact, itinerary and map. Hand this in.

David Hardwick Pathology Learning Centre
Gordon and Leslie Diamond 
Health Care Centre
2201-2775 Laurel St
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9


 Today we will introduce you to the Circulation System.

This is the slideshow

You will receive a gigantic DIAGRAM on circulation

and we will explore the  path of blood . In particular, we will replicate William Harvey's experiment

Read the Summary notes on circulation:
Circulation System
  Major Blood Vessels
  Lymphatic System

Do the review on blood vessels

Thursday 20 April 2023



The picture link below shows a journey through the respiratory system

Notes are here and please get the diagram notes from me. Plus detailed notes here
Control of respiration
CO2 and H+ Levels
As monitored by the carotid and aortic bodies.  If these levels increase, they send a message to the  medulla oblongata Carotid bodies send the message through VAGUS NERVE.  Aortic bodies send the message through the GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE.  Medulla oblongata stimulates the rib cage and the diaphragm to move faster.

Acidosis:  pH < 7.35         too much carbon dioxide
Alkadosis: pHB> 7.45       not enough carbon dioxide (sometimes caused by hyperventilation)

The normal blood pH is tightly regulated between 7.35 and 7.45.

Carbon monoxide:   hemoglobin has a higher affinity for CO than for O2 how would CO affect internal and external respiration?

Monday 3 April 2023



Choose one of the following assignments to do, & present to the class:

1.  Read this article and make a poster, powerpoint or cartoon to summarize the main points 

2.  Make a  powerpoint presentation of K2   Find out what foods have these vitamins and what happens during a deficiency.  What cultures have foods that contain vitamin K2. Tell us about how K2 improves bone health.  Include examples such as Natto, or Gouda or another example of food that contains K2

3.  Nixtamalization is a process where maize is soaked in an alkaline solution to help increase the bioavailability of niacin, an essential vitamin for energy reactions.  What cultures practice nixtamalization and what steps were needed to make it happen?

4.  Fecal transplants: This treatment is used for infection of C. difficile.  Describe the symptoms and the risk factors for C. difficile and how a fecal transplant is very effective for treating this disease.

5.  What are some examples of probiotic food and prebiotic food? These foods support a healthy microbiome.  Do some research and present your findings. 

6.  Vitamin D has many functions in your body including for bone health and immunity support.  What are the functions of Vitamin D in the body, what are the food sources and why is everyone deficient in D during the winter months, if you live in Canada? 

7.  Genus vaccinium includes huckleberry, bog cranberry and blueberry.  Investigate indigenous uses of these berries and identify the nutrients that come from these foods

8.  Vitamin A is from marine fish oil, which is a traditional food in populations that live up north.  Investigate the uses of vitamin A in the body and give a presentation on a case study of a population that eats cold water fish or takes fish oil, including codliver oil