Thursday 21 February 2019

Genetic Diseases Presentations

Choose a topic on Genetic Diseases.  You have one period only to come up with a group presentation.
Find your topic on this website

Log into Microsoft Outlook.
Create a powerpoint on Microsoft Outlook and share the powerpoint with
Work with 2 other people in the class.
Each person will make their own slides in the presentation

Presentation Rubrik 50 mark

10 marks:  
How does it look?
You have presentation slides and they are well designed, with minimal text and relevant pictures
7-10 marks - it is well designed
4-5 marks - it is crowded with words but it has good pictures
0-4 marks -   it has no pictures

20 marks: 
Content: remember your content will be delivered mainly as SPOKEN WORD and PICTURES. your script should be long, with as many words you need to tell the story but the words on your slides ought to be few. 
Your presentation presents the material in a way that is
18-20 marks - comprehensive.  You  explain the main points and your content is thought provoking and interesting.
14-17-   covering the most important and relevant points. You do a good job.
10-13 -  showing main points.
0-10 - a pretty good start

20 marks:
Spoken presentation
18-20 marks:  you make eye contact with the class and spend more time looking at us than your notes.  you speak loud and clear. You have a creative way to keep us engaged.  For example, you use props.
14-17 - you do a pretty good job making eye contact with the class.  you speak loud and clear.
10-13 -  you speak loud and clear and you are mainly reading out loud from your notes.  You make some eye contact but you look at your notes more than looking at the class.
0-10 - you only look at your notes and speak audibly but it is difficult to hear what you are saying.

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Pedigree Analysis Symbols

pedigree analysis reading  from Chapter 4 Human Heredity by Michael Cummings ©2006 Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning

Thursday 7 February 2019

Blood Types

Today we will review a case of multiple alleles and blood types and you will practice the questions from this website here

Friday 1 February 2019

Vulcan Mating Ritual

Mating Lab: 
Purpose:  To have hypothetical offspring with at least 4 other individuals
In the class and calculate the probability of certain traits using a punnet
Square.  Next, you will perform a Vulcan mating ritual (pon farr) where
you randomly pick an allele from the other person and they randomly pick
one of your alleles.  Then observe the traits of your offspring.  Have 4 kids per mate
Keep track of the genotype of each kid.  By the end of the activity, you will have 16 kids


Write down your phenotype for the following characteristics:

Earlobe attachment or unattached   E e
Tongue rolling or not                       T  t
Cleft chin or smooth chin.                 c
Widow’s peak or not                          w
Natural curl or straight hair         n
Dimples or not       D d
Righty or Lefty       R r
Freckles or not       F f
Girl XX or boy XY

For each trait, make the genotype as alleles on two small pieces of paper.
 Write your phenotypes now:

For each mate you have draw nine punnet squares  representing
 each trait and
calculate the Probability of each trait.

Mate 1’s  genotype:_Ff WW tt nn rr dd cc  Ee__XX_________________
Punnet squares: indicate probability

choose two characteristics to demonstrate a dihybrid cross

Actual genotypes of the offspring. Draw a cartoon of your kids. Name them
Offspring :
1.ff Ww Tt  Dd Cc EE rr