Tuesday 9 May 2017

Respiratory System

The picture link below shows a journey through the respiratory system

Notes are here and please get the diagram notes from me. Plus detailed notes here
Control of respiration
CO2 and H+ Levels
As monitored by the carotid and aortic bodies.  If these levels increase, they send a message to the  medulla oblongata Carotid bodies send the message through VAGUS NERVE.  Aortic bodies send the message through the GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE.  Medulla oblongata stimulates the rib cage and the diaphragm to move faster.

Acidosis:  pH < 7.35         too much carbon dioxide
Alkadosis: pHB> 7.45       not enough carbon dioxide (sometimes caused by hyperventilation)

Carbon monoxide:   hemoglobin has a higher affinity for CO than for O2 how would CO affect internal and external respiration?